Your child will be performing in Scoil an Athar Tadhg, School Hall , in the Early Performance Christmas Concert Tuesday 10th December 2019@ 6.30pm
Ms. Tara Butler - Junior Infants
Ms. Sinead O’Driscoll - Senior Infants
Mr. Philip O’Brien - First Class
€5.00 per ticket and 2 tickets per family as the seating in the hall is limited. Tickets must be bought online only @ www.athartadhg.ie .
€8.00 per ticket if your children are performing in both shows and 2 tickets per family as we have very limited seating.
Tickets will be issued to your child Monday 9th December
Only children who are performing (Shaunagh Dunlea, Irene Farrell , Diarmuid O’ Driscoll and Neasa O’Shea /Claire Cunningham ) in the Later show will be supervised in their classrooms if they have siblings in this show.
